
Rebecca-Monique (rbccmnq)

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A half life, bright legacies, and simple maths.

MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, some of the best moments of your life are yet to come. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What am I most excited for in the future? What 'best moments' have I already experienced and how have they shaped me? MARCH'S REFLECTION PROMPT In March, I will add... In March, I will subtract... What additions or enhancements are needed? What requires removal or reduction? 2 QUOTES WORTH PONDERING 1. Lebanese-American writer and poet, Khalil Gibran on living fully: “Do not love half loversDo...

MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, there are often wishes hidden behind our fears. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What are my dominant fears? What unfulfilled wishes are yearning to be expressed? If I knew those wishes were certain to come true, what would I do differently? FEBRUARY'S REFLECTION PROMPT In February, I will prioritise loving myself deeply by... What will you do for yourself? When will you do it? How will you do it?...During this month of love, be sure to extend affection inwards; pour into yourself...

community of folks sitting under a tree

MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, continually ask yourself if your goal is to survive, thrive or flourish. REFLECTION PROMPTS: How do I know when I'm in survival mode? What does thriving look like in the next 12 months? Who am I when I'm flourishing? JANUARY'S REFLECTION PROMPT In January, I will ease the pressure to miraculously transform (myself, my life, a habit etc.). Instead, I will realistically choose to… Real, lasting change seldom happens in an instant. It's the culmination of small,...

MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, patience is a form of action. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What am I preparing to receive? How will I make space for what's to come? When I get what I want, how will I make sure I savour, nurture and maintain it? DECEMBER'S REFLECTION PROMPT In December, I will honour the last 12 months by... Whatever 2024 has signified for you, it's all part of the journey. Some dots may have connected (or not). Some anomalies may have popped up. The year may have produced some questions; it...

MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, our actions are an expression of our priorities. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What do my recent activities, desires, behaviours, conversations etc. reveal about what or who is important to me? What might these things indicate about what I’m avoiding or moving towards? What, if anything, needs to change? NOVEMBER'S REFLECTION PROMPT In November, I will be silent when... Not speaking our truth can be an act of self-betrayal. However, there are instances where silence is more...

MONTHLY REMINDER Everyone has a different version of you in their minds, Reader. You are a distinctly different individual to everyone you meet. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What traits – i.e. personality/ character/ identity/ behavioural etc. – do I think are consistent? What traits – i.e. personality/ character/ identity/ behavioural etc. – might be inconsistent? Reflecting on different people in my life and those whose paths I've crossed (e.g. family, friends, strangers, neighbours, peers etc.),...

MONTHLY REMINDER Remember...who you are. Your authentic self has always been present; dimmed maybe, shrunken perhaps, but always there. REFLECTION PROMPTS: Who was I before the world told me who I 'should' be? What outdated layers am I shedding? How will I be more Reader, today? SEPTEMBER'S REFLECTION PROMPT In September, I will channel the energy of the colour... I will begin today by... (Get specific: think shades, hues, tint, tone, vibrancy etc. for example, cerise, coral, and bubblegum...

MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. (Over)consumption, (mis)use of power and influence, (over)exertion, giving someone ‘a piece of our mind’…Every action has consequences. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What will I restrain myself from doing? How will I do this? What will happen if I do it anyway? AUGUST'S REFLECTION PROMPTS August presents the following opportunities... I will seize them by... There are five months left of 2024; five chances to create opportunities...

MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, regret will haunt you more than failure. Do the thing. Have the conversation. Express your gratitude. Show them you care. Take the leap of faith. Make the decision. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What am I putting off? What’s holding me back? What courageous step forward will I take today? JULY'S REFLECTION PROMPT In July, I will starve unhelpful thoughts by reminding myself… Don’t believe everything you think. 2 QUOTES WORTH PONDERING 1. Molly Burford’s incomplete list of green...

MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, regret will haunt you more than failure. Do the thing. Have the conversation. Express your gratitude. Show them you care. Take the leap of faith. Make the decision. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What am I putting off? What’s holding me back? What courageous step forward will I take today? JULY'S REFLECTION PROMPT In July, I will starve unhelpful thoughts by reminding myself… Don’t believe everything you think. 2 QUOTES WORTH PONDERING 1. Molly Burford’s incomplete list of green...